
Why Your Child Should Attend an Early Learning Centre

An early learning centre is something of a childcare centre, except that this type of centre will usually include lessons for the child to learn colours, shapes, letters, pronunciation of words and so on. An actual early learning centre may be more expensive than a simple day-care facility that doesn't include such lessons, but it can be very advantageous to send your child to such a centre. Note why that is, and how your child can benefit from attending such a centre before they reach school age.

Encouraging children to develop self-care skills

As children start to move into their preschool years and head towards their more formal schooling, it is important for them to be able to develop some self-care skills including proficiency at toileting (including wiping), being able to adjust their own clothing and take on/off items such as jackets or jumpers and be able to feed themselves successfully. Here are some ways that parents and carers can encourage independence and development of self-care skills.

A guide to two common childcare options

Trying to select the right form of childcare can be difficult. Read on to learn more about two of the most common options that most parents use. Have a relative care for your child Many people prefer to have one of their own parents care for their child, as they feel more comfortable leaving their child with someone that they already know and trust. Additionally, having your mother, father, or in-laws look after your child whilst you're at work is perhaps one of the least expensive childcare options, as in many cases, grandparents are quite content to either do the work for free, or for a small fee, which only covers the cost of travelling to and from your home, food and any outings they take the child on.

3 fun Halloween crafts to try at your child care centre

Halloween is traditionally a spooky occasion in Australia! When you are celebrating Halloween with young children you want to make sure to stay on the fun and creative side of Halloween and not dwell too much on the scary aspects of the celebration. Here are some fun craft activities that you can do with children at a child care centre to celebrate Halloween.   Carving 'pumpkins' While pumpkin carving is a common Halloween tradition, it can be expensive as pumpkins are not in season for Australian Halloween.

Finding a child care that deals well with illnesses

Often children catch more illnesses when they start a group care situation such as child care, compared with spending time at home with their family. This exposure to illnesses can be very stressful for carers who need to stay home to look after their sick children. If you are on the hunt for a childcare that deals well with illnesses here are some things to look for.   Impeccable hygiene